
Hello everyone,

Welcome to the new Hawk Tawk blog. Hawk Tawk is the Speech and Debate team at Chiawana High School in Pasco, WA. We are in our 9th year and the program is growing.

Guiding Principles:
  1. Be critical of information.
  2. Don't be afraid to let your opinions be known.
  3. Respect everyone's point of view and give them a safe environment in which to express themselves. 
  4. Push your teammates to be the best they can be. 
  5. Have a good time.

2017-2018 Goals
  1. Double the number of underclassmen on the team. 
  2. Have the entire team ready to compete at the state level.
  3. Have multiple team members place at the state tournament. 

Our 2017-2018 captains are
Co-Captains: Caleb Hernandez and Baylee Easterday
Speech Captain: Monica Winn
Debate Captain: Malene Garcia


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