National Qualifier-Linh Truong

Linh Truong 
  • Team Member since 2017 
  • 2018 National qualifier in Lincoln-Douglas Debate 
  • Outstanding Distinction rank with National Speech and Debate Organization 

Why did you join Speech and Debate? 
 It seemed like a great opportunity for another extracurricular activity and some of my friends did it (Baylee and Eric). I stayed because I love all the people and enjoy doing it. 
What is your favorite Speech and Debate memory? 
 There are a few. I loved beating Q at the ninja game at Regionals. When I got 1st in Novice Impromptu it made me proud (and Baylee). I really loved getting to debate syrup sandwiches that one time.
What is the hardest part of Speech and Debate? 
 I don't mind losing, but I do find it hard to get the physical energy to keep going all day. 
What do you do for fun? 
 Speech and Debate, and reading, listening to music, being with my friends and family. Oh, and I love taking pictures. I have a popular instragram account @woodlandspirits.
What other extracurricular activities are you a part of? 
Buddy Club
French Club
Partners and Pals


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