
Showing posts from February, 2018


With great success comes great fundraising. Not only are 10 students going to nationals, we need judges as well. If you can help, please donate. Help us get to Nationals!

Inland Empire National Qualifying Tournament

Ten students qualified for the National Speech and Debate Association tournament in Fort Lauderdale June 17-22 and a few more are alternates! We won sweepstakes awards in Speech, Debate, and Overall. Qualifiers are: Big Questions Debate : Trevor Schmitt, Qualifier; Jacob Talsmat, Alternate Dramatic Interpretation : Monica Winn, Qualifier; Yerushulaim Solano (PHS), Qualifier; Nathaly Mendoza, Alternate Duo Interpretation : Caleb Hernandez and Ford Powers, Qualifiers (Caleb's second trip to Nationals); Eric Harrod and Malene Garcia, Alternates (going to nationals in their individual events) Humorous Interpretation : Ford Powers, Qualifier (going in Duo); Linda Corona, Qualifier; Audra Totten, Alternate (going in Informative); Harrison Higgins, Alternate Informative Speaking : Audra Totten, Qualifier; Malene Garcia, Qualifier Lincoln Douglas Debate : Linh Truong, Qualifier Original Oratory : Eric Harrod, Qualifier; Saige Johnson, Alternate Program Oral Interpretation : ...

District 5/6 Regional State Qualifying Tournament

Remember a couple of weeks ago, when I said we had the potential to win 10 of 11 regional titles? I wasn’t far off. First, we repeated last year’s victory as a team, with our second regional championship title in a row—by tripling the second place team’s score. We have been either champion or runner up almost every year this program has existed. Second, every single person qualified for state in at least one event. Five are going in all three of their events. And, before I get to the results, I want to brag about Ford Powers, who is our newest recipient of the Academic All-American award for the National Speech and Debate Association, one of only seven in Washington so far this year. Malene Garcia is our second student to receive the highest possible degree in the NSDA, Premier Distinction. This is a real feat! We have students nationally ranked in their individual events, as well as two—Baylee at 57 and Malene at 582--on the All-American list (top 1% in the nation). Indi...

Hon. Thomas S Foley Tournament

Better settle in and grab a cup of coffee. This one is going to be long, and I’m not even going to apologize. Nine years ago right about now, my team in Montana won state by a margin of 1.5 points. I believe it is still the smallest margin in the long, rich and dramatic Montana Forensics history. It made for a great story about how every bit of effort counts. Today, I can tell a better story. It’s the story of a tenth of a point. Last Thursday we pulled away from Chiawana at 11:30 a.m. with 14 students (conflict with Solo and Ensemble cut our numbers), and a bus full of excitement, dread, and hope. Every speech tournament means long days, but The Hon. Thomas Foley Memorial Tournament, hosted by University High School in Spokane takes it to a whole different level. I liken it to the Ironman Triathlon. Thursday is the bicycling portion, with two rounds of debate and Sparfest, a round-robin of Spontaneous Argument, a just-for-fun debate with topics like “ St...