Othello District 5/6 Tournament

Those of us who have been around for a little while remember the great Seattle Mariners years in the mid-‘90s and announcer Dave Niehaus’ catchprase, “My, oh my!” That’s exactly how I feel about the Speech and Debate team’s achievements in Mid-Columbia/Yakima Valley competition on Saturday, January 20, at Othello High School. We are at the point in the season where things are beginning to solidify for Regionals in Yakima on February 16 and 17 and National Qualifiers at Chiawana the following week. It’s the last chance to try out new material, and several of our students did just that. Because there are no divisions between novice and varsity at regionals or state, the novices are honing their speeches and preparing to face competition they have not yet encountered. And my, oh my, did they succeed. Once again, we dominated with just over a third of all possible trophies at the tournament (all three team trophies), and nearly half of the first-place finishes available. Sixteen of...